Monday, February 24, 2014

So...I failed...Kinda

I was supposed to discover one new thing a week.  I lost track after the third week, missed the fourth, tried to get back on track the fifth and then totally fell off the discover bandwagon.  So, I haven't discovered or tried something new every week this year.  Sad, I know...but I haven't given up hope yet.  We're only at the end of February, and my eyes are still open to discovering more throughout the year.

Here's my list, thus far

2014 things I have DISCOVERED are:
  • a restaurant with breathtaking views (see photo below)
  • a conference (all by myself... new hotel, new people, new workshops)
  • a place to walk/run (a park by my house)
  • another place to walk (I am so thankful to live in the Bay Area, because it never will end)
  • a hiking trail
  • yellow peppers (I know this one seems miniscule and ridiculous but I cooked with it people, that's like extra good!)
  • I can run a mile in under 11 min 30 seconds (which has never been done in my whole life)
  • Chicken & Waffles (delicious, I highly recommend)
  • cider (Magners Irish Cider)
  • my uncle's nationally renowned bread pudding in Colorado (no's in magazines)
In the midst of me trying to discover more, I have just tried being happier more often.  There are so many amazing and wonderful people and experiences around me that I love and appreciate every single day.  I try to take that into account more.  I have the most amazing life, I really do.  I have people, and gifts that people could only dream of.  I have a job in which I am happy 100% of the time, and that is no exaggeration.  Whether I am tired or overworked or sick of it, my core being and authentic self is happy 100% because I am being true to who and what I believe in.  I am using my gifts and every single day I get to have fun and appreciate the growth of life right before my eyes.  I am allowed to love other people all day long.  The gift of giving love never ends, and I do my best to bring joy to the never ending wonder through the eyes of the young.  My friends make me laugh and smile throughout the day with their silly nothingnesses.  I also work with all of my friends, so I get to go have lunch every day with my best friends.  It's awesome. 

So, while I try to discover more about what there is that I have yet to discover, I am starting to really discover all the things I already have.  My zest for discovering hasn't faded.  I am trying to get out more, planning on going more places and saying yes more often than no.  Yet, when I discover new things it helps me add to the life I already know I have that is great and amazing. 

I won't lie, sometimes I get sad.  Sometimes I get down on myself, and sometimes I get confused and lost in all of this change that's going on in my life.  It's not easy every day, and there are times and moments when I want to throw my hands up and say forget all this.  But, I hold onto the hope that in my discovering I will finally discover the believe inside myself that life is a continuous voyage, not an ending point. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

One Little Word : Expanded

I decided to do this little project this year (2014) called One Little Word (inspired by Ali Edwards).  Essentially, you pick one little word that you want to focus your year on.  I chose a word that I believed is truly at the essence of what I need in this new year.  discover
Not only to do I hope to discover new things, but I hope to discover myself in the midst of being confused.  I hope to discover what happiness is when things are not always as planned.  I hope to discover what it is that I can do better, different, stronger and braver this year.  I want to discover new places, new people, new mentalities, new abilities, new strengths, new inner passions, new drive and an unapologetic zest for all things new. 
What this word means:
  • find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.
  • become aware of (a fact or situation).
  • be the first to find or observe (a place, substance, or scientific phenomenon).
  • find
  • locate
  • come across/upon
  • stumble on
  • light on
  • bring to light
  • uncover
  • unearth
  • turn up
  • find out
  • learn
  • realize
  • recognize
  • fathom
  • see
  • ascertain
  • work out
  • dig up/out
  • root out
So what does my "One Little Word" look like to me? 
1.  I will discover at least one new thing a week.  I decided to incorporate trying new things in my manifestation of my one little word because I tend to stay inside my comfort zone, and I like it there.  I always order the same thing, always go to the same coffee shop, and am incredibly afraid of all things new.  You know, mini panic attacks, mind spiraling out of control imagining all that can go wrong...  Most of the time if I do something new I make myself miserable instead of being open to the possibilities.  I just like what I like. So, in order to discover, I need to get out of my comfort zone.  Therefore, at least one new thing a week.  I will find something new I can do or try, big or small each single week. 
This week, I already discovered 3 new things so I am feeling extra accomplished.  I went to a new restaurant with friends, instead of an old favorite.  I went on a run in a place I have never been to, and I tried new make up. Here's a photo from the restaurant.  Totally worth discovering. 
2.  I will discover what happens when I say yes more.  By saying yes to things I might feel like saying no to I will in fact discover that life happens more when you say yes.  I mean, this one is much like the first one, but it also means that in order to go and try new things, I have to say yes to them happening.   
3.  I will discover what I want.  Now this one...well, this one is going to be tricky!  From what I have learned from life thus far, discovering what I want will be an ever evolving thing.  However, there have been some very poignant questions in my mind lately that I do not have answers for yet.  It is my goal, in some way, to discover the answers to these questions to the best of my ability. 
I think those three pretty much sum it up.  I was going to be over zealous and make a lit of 50 things I wanted to discover this year or plan a big adventure as part of my "discover mindset," but sometimes simple is better.  I looked earlier this morning to sign up for a writing class or a writing group and then I remembered my life is already pretty busy and maybe amidst all my saying yes and trying new things I will stumble upon a group of people or a new friend that will be an inspiration.  Or I can discover a time during the week to write when it fits, instead of forcing it.  I think having the mindset that it is my goal to discover will be enough drive me forward this year. 
I'm excited to see what happens to life when I seek to discover